Product Safety Information - Icon Croft Leather Furniture

At Icon Croft, the safety of our customers is our top priority. We are committed to providing high-quality leather furniture that not only enhances your living spaces but also meets rigorous safety standards. Please take a moment to review our product safety information to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience with our custom leather furniture.

1. Quality Materials and Compliance:

All our leather furniture is crafted using premium materials sourced for their quality and safety. We adhere to industry standards and regulations to guarantee that our products meet or exceed safety requirements.

2. Non-Toxic Finishes:

Our furniture is finished with non-toxic coatings and treatments. We prioritize environmentally friendly and health-conscious materials to ensure that our products contribute to a safe and sustainable living environment.

3. Fire Safety Standards:

Icon Croft leather furniture complies with applicable fire safety standards. Our materials and manufacturing processes are selected to minimize fire risk, providing you with peace of mind in your home or commercial space.

4. Child and Pet Safety:

We understand the importance of creating furniture that is safe for families with children and pets. Our designs consider the unique needs of households, incorporating features that minimize potential hazards.

5. Stain-Resistant and Easy to Clean:

Our leather is treated to be stain-resistant and easy to clean, promoting a hygienic and low-maintenance environment. Follow our care instructions to ensure the longevity of your furniture while maintaining safety standards. Different leather does require different cleaning methods. Please refer to the following instructions and use caution by testing a small, unobtrusive patch before cleaning the entire piece:

Spots and Spills – Blot excess liquid away immediately with a clean cloth or sponge; do not rub. Let the area air dry. Natural leather repels liquid short term, but if left for extended period of time, they will be absorbed and leave a spot.

Large or Stubborn Stains – Use a clean, absorbent cloth or sponge to apply a mild solution of nonacidic soap and water or leather cleaner, rub front to back or side to side. Do not rub in circles. Wipe clean using a damp cloth. Go over the area once more using a damp cloth, rubbing the cleaned area in one direction. Allow the area to air dry. You may need to repeat this process if any residue remains.

Nubuck, Spots and Spills – Blot excess liquid immediately away with a clean white cloth or sponge; do not rub. Let the area air dry naturally. Brush with a suede brush to remove any excess material and to restore the nap.

6 Durability and Structural Integrity:

Icon Croft leather furniture is designed and manufactured with a focus on durability and structural integrity. Rigorous testing ensures that our products can withstand normal wear and tear, providing a safe and stable seating solution.

7. Compliance with Industry Standards:

We work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure that our manufacturing processes and products align with the latest industry standards. This commitment extends to all aspects of production, from raw material selection to the final finishing touches.

8. Customer Safety Education:

We believe in empowering our customers with knowledge. Our website includes care and safety guidelines to help you maintain your leather furniture and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

9. Contact Us for Further Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the safety of our leather furniture, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We are here to provide additional information and address any queries you may have.

Thank you for choosing Icon Croft for your custom leather furniture needs. Your safety and satisfaction are at the forefront of our commitment to excellence.